Dr. Ferrán E. Barbé





Dr. Ferrán E. Barbé (Pneumologist)
Pneumology Service. Arnau de Villanova Hospital.
(Lleida, Spain)

"Cardiovascular complications of the OSAS"

Fernando Barbé is Medicine Doctor from the Central University of Barcelona (Lleida faculty) and specialist in Pneumology.

Internal student (BOE 22 of January 1968) Department of Pathology and Medical Clinic - Arnau de Vilanova Hospital. Lleida.

Internal Medician Resident of Pneumology. Bellvitge Hospital.

University degree "Sueńo y Vigilia". René Descartes University. Paris.

Medicine Doctor. Excellent "cum laude". University of Barcelona.

At present Head of the Pneumology Department of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital (Lleida). Director of the Integrated Research Program in Sleep Apnea of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), Director of the investigation group in respiratory pathology of the "Institut de Recerca Biomedical" of Lleida (IRBLleida) and national delegate in the research program COST B-26 (Obstuctive Sleep Apnea) of the EEC. Ministry of Science and Technology.

Dr. Barbé has published numerous articles and has served as reviewer in various national and international magazines. He is a speaker of many national and international courses and seminars.

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Para más información e inscripciones: Secretaría Técnica: Osteoplac Congresos, Pº Urumea, 3, bajo 20014 San Sebastián (Spain)
Tel: (00 34) 902 422 420 Fax: (00 34) 943 460 947 info@apneasymposium.com