English Español

TRAINEES' SESSION Wednesday 21st, March 2012 (only for medical residents)

08:30 Documentation
09:00 Biomechanics, materials and general concepts
Dr. Gómez García, Elena
La Paz University Hospital - Madrid
09:30 Mandibular, angle, body and symphysis fractures
Dr. Peral Cagigal, Beatriz
Río Hortega University Hospital - Valladolid
10:00 Condylar fractures
Dr. García de Marcos, José Antonio
Albacete General Hospital - Albacete
10:30 Fractures in extreme situations. Edentulism and comminution
Dr. Del Castillo Pardo de Vera, José Luis
La Paz University Hospital - Madrid
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Nasal Fractures. Naso-Ethmoid Fractures
Dr. González Martín-Moro, Javier
La Paz University Hospital - Madrid
12:00 Middle Third Fractures. Lefort Fractures
Dr. Juárez Escalona, Inmaculada
Bellvitge University Hospital - Barcelona
12:30 Fracturas orbitocigómaticas
Dr. Herencia Nieto, Honorio
Toledo Hospital - Toledo
13:00 Upper third fractures
Dr. Morán Soto, María José
La Paz University Hospital - Madrid
13:30 Fractures in pediatric patients. Growing skeleton
Dr. Muñoz Caro, Jesús Manuel
La Paz University Hospital - Madrid
14:00 Lunch
15:00 Workshop: Panfacial Fractures. Sequence of Treatment
16:30 Coffee break
17:00 Workshop: Facial Trauma sequelae. Planning. Soft Tissue Management in Traumatology
18:30 End of trainees' session



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OsteoplacLa Paz University Hospital

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