English Español

TRAINEES' SESSION Wednesday 19th, November 2014 (exclusive for medical Trainees)

08:30 Documentation
08:45 Presentation of the Trainees' Session
09:00 Surgical anatomy of the TMJ
Dra. García Arana, Laura
H. U. La Paz - Madrid
09:30 Arthroscopic anatomy of the TMJ
Dra. García Arana, Laura
H. U. La Paz - Madrid
10:00 Craniocervical mandibular pathology and TMJ
Dra. Moreno, Inmaculada
Private practice - Madrid
10:30 Ankylosis
Dr. Sánchez-Jáuregui, Eduardo
H. U. Ramón y Cajal - Madrid
11:00 Osteoplac free Coffee
11:30 Effectiveness of arthrocentesis in TMJ
Dra. Maniegas, Lourdes
H. U. Fundación Jiménez Díaz - Madrid
12:00 Endoscopic-assisted surgical treatment of subcondylear fractures
Dra. Agüero, Elena
H. U. de Sant Joan d'Alacant - Alicante
12:30 Orthognathic and TMJ
Dr. Del Castillo Pardo de Vera, José Luis
H. U. La Paz - Madrid
13:00 TMJ pathology in pediatric ages
Dra. Cho Lee, Gui-Youn
H. U. de Torrejón - Madrid
13:30 TMJ prosthesis
Dra. García Monleón, Laura
H. del Vinalopó - Elche
14:00 Lunch (not included)
15:00 Workshop: Clinical cases
16:30 Osteoplac free Coffee
17:00 Workshop: Clinical cases
18:30 End of day



Logotipos Hospitales que participan en la Jornada


Hospital Universitario La Paz

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